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7 Ways to Make Yourself a Happier Person by Moving Different
Putting happiness first isn’t always easy, but it’s also not impossible. There are simple things we can all do to help ourselves be happier. Even though we live in a world where we are surrounded by social media, constant advertisements and images of people who seem perfect, you can still find ways to make yourself a happier person.
Many people go through phases where they feel down or that something is missing from their lives. It might be because of stressors like work or school, negative relationships with friends or family members, feeling unaccomplished, or just generally being unhappy for reasons you may not know yet. It’s completely natural to have these kinds of feelings at times and there are many different ways to get past them.
Moving forward is not always easy or fast but with the right motivation you can become a happier person by putting these seven tips into practice:
Recognize the things that make you happy.

Photo of a happy woman in sunflower field — source Pexels
Most of us have vague ideas of what makes us happy. Maybe we’re reasonably happy on a day-to-day basis but we’ve never really put much thought into where those feelings come from or what, specifically, about an experience is making us happy.
When you can pinpoint what makes you happy, you can add more of it to your life
Finding your happiness is an art, not a science but here are five things that will help you figure where your happiness is coming from.
Wipe your happiness slate clean
If you’re a human who is alive, the society you grew up in has Ideas about what happiness looks like. These Ideas have permeated our lives since the moment we could understand shapes and colors; they’ve wormed their way into our soft, sweet subconsciousness.
But for the sake of this experiment let’s do our very, very best to let go of preconceived notions about what makes us happy. Let’s forget what our families and friends believe happiness looks like. Let’s view this as a grand experiment with totally unknown results. Who knows what we’ll discover!
Start taking detailed notes when you feel really happy
Here’s an actual screenshot of my list. You’ll note that it’s oddly specific because I’ve found that the devil (and happiness, apparently) is in the details.

Lovingly dissect those happy moments so you can make more of ‘em
Remember what made you happy as a child

Happy children — Photo by Pexels
If you’re still not quite sure what floats your boat, think about the things you loved as a kid.
What made us happy before we were worried about what was cool? What did we like when we weren’t concerned about the expense or difficulty? What did we love before we worried about being ‘good enough?
If it made you happy then, it’ll probably make you happy now. Why don’t you give it a try and find out?
Remind yourself “This makes me happy”
Reciting this little phrase helps cement these happy-making habits in my brain and life. It helps me feel proud for taking steps to have the life I want. It reminds me that the hassle of happy — the planning, the boundary pushing, the saving and scheduling — is totally worth it.
Exercise regularly.

Photo of two people exercising- source Pexels
Whether you’re looking for motivation to start exercising, or are interested in changing up your current routine, here are some tips for making exercise a regular habit.
Piece your workout together. You don’t need to get all your exercise at one time. Ten minutes morning, noon, and night can give much of the same benefit as 30 minutes all at once.
Exercise with a friend. Finding a workout partner can help keep you on track and motivate you to get out the door.
Keep it brisk. When you walk, make it brisk, since this may help control weight better than walking at a leisurely pace. What is brisk enough? Walk as though you are meeting someone for lunch and you are a little late.
Move your feet before you eat. Hit the gym or go for a 20-minute walk with coworkers, and have lunch afterward.
Try a pedometer. Step-counters (pedometers) are an easy, inexpensive way to motivate yourself to be active. Work up to 10,000 steps per day.
Turn off the TV, computer, and smart phone. Cutting back on screen time is a great way to curb your “sit time.” Move around instead, by visiting the gym or even cleaning the house.
Turn sit time into fit time. Try to combine cardiovascular exercise with a sedentary activity that you already do. For example, try doing simple exercises while watching TV, or set a reminder at work to get up and walk a few minutes every hour.
Sign up for a class. Check out the fitness course schedule at your local gym or community center, or the dance or yoga class schedule at a nearby studio. You may find that having the structure of a class helps you learn a new activity and keeps you on track.
Plan exercise into your day. Set aside a specific time in your schedule to exercise and put it in your planner.
Reward yourself. Set short-term goals — and reward yourself for achieving them. Try targeting a specific event, such as a road race or a walk-for-charity, to participate in — this can help keep you motivated.
Surround yourself with positive people who support your happiness.

We all want success — in our business, in our finances, in our relationships. So why do so few people actually find fulfillment in all of these areas?The answer lies in your standards.
“The only thing that will change your life, change your business, change your relationship, is that you must raise your standards,” Tony Robbins says. Get rid of negative people who bring you down. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, lend you knowledge and help you learn from your mistakes. Raise your standards for your inner circle.
Practice gratitude and forgiveness.

being grateful — or having gratitude — for the past can positively affect your future.
Research has shown that people who think about the past in an optimistic way have an increased capacity for happiness.
You might experience a variety of feelings when thinking about the past — from pride, satisfaction, and contentment to bitterness and anger. These feelings are all controlled by your memories, which you can manage. If you have bad memories, you might be able to change them to neutral or good feelings by challenging your thinking or through forgiveness.
If you have intense and frequent negative thoughts about the past, it’s likely that these thoughts will block any positive emotions like contentment and satisfaction. Sometimes it might seem like there are good reasons for not forgiving and for holding on to bitterness. After all, it would seem that if we hold onto the resentment we are less likely to be hurt by them again. By learning about what forgiveness is about, it won’t be so scary to forgive after all.
Don’t be afraid to try new things.

Being bold and trying will instill you with a sense of self. Because whatever it is you’re trying, you’ll survive. You’ll come out more seasoned, and with more experience. Those things will make you feel empowered, like a person who isn’t afraid, and who achieves, even in the smallest of victories.
I personally believe that God admires boldness and courage. We must remember that He is the One Who tells us in His Word not to be afraid of anything.
Isaiah 41:10 says, “Fear not, for I am with you…” (NKJV). Don’t let the fear of something different keep you from the joy of something new. God is with you and He is going to help you
One of the great tragedies in life is to not develop your potential. When you don’t, you are robbing yourself and the world of the wonderful gifts and talents God has given you.
Don’t compare yourself to other people.

Even though most of us try not to, we’re all guilty of comparing ourselves to others. We can make comparisons like, “I wish I dressed like so-and-so,” or, “I wish I were as rich as them.”
This is often unconscious, but it’s important to try to train ourselves to stop. While it may motivate us to better ourselves, constantly comparing ourselves to others can lead to negative thoughts.
Too much comparison leads to unhappiness and low self-esteem. We become frustrated with ourselves for “not being good enough,” or angry with others.
To avoid comparisons, people may look for others’ faults to make themselves feel better. This is just as unhealthy as tearing yourself apart for what you don’t have or don’t look like.
The only person you should be comparing yourself to is yourself. Your efforts should focus on growing from within, being kinder, more resilient, working hard, and being more open instead of whether or not your hair is long enough or you’re as strong as someone else.
Take care of your mental and physical health.

Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health. When it comes to your mental health, self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy. Even small acts of self-care in your daily life can have a big impact.
Here are some tips to help you get started with self-care:
Get regular exercise. Just 30 minutes of walking every day can help boost your mood and improve your health. Small amounts of exercise add up, so don’t be discouraged if you can’t do 30 minutes at one time.
Eat healthily, have regular meals, and stay hydrated. A balanced diet and plenty of water can improve your energy and focus throughout the day. Also, limit caffeinated beverages such as soft drinks or coffee.
Make sleep a priority. Stick to a schedule, and make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Blue light from devices and screens can make it harder to fall asleep, so reduce blue light exposure from your phone or computer before bedtime.
Try a relaxing activity. Explore relaxation or wellness programs or apps, which may incorporate meditation, muscle relaxation, or breathing exercises. Schedule regular times for these and other healthy activities you enjoy such as journaling.
Set goals and priorities. Decide what must get done now and what can wait. Learn to say “no” to new tasks if you start to feel like you’re taking on too much. Try to be mindful of what you have accomplished at the end of the day, not what you have been unable to do.
Practice gratitude. Remind yourself daily of the things you are grateful for. Be specific. Write them down at night, or replay them in your mind.
Focus on positivity. Identify and challenge your negative and unhelpful thoughts.
Stay connected. Reach out to your friends or family members who can provide emotional support and practical help.
Self-care looks different for everyone, and it is important to find what you need and enjoy. It may take trial and error to discover what works best for you. In addition, although self-care is not a cure for mental illnesses, understanding what causes or triggers your mild symptoms and what coping techniques work for you can help manage your mental health.
Bottom Line
Putting your happiness first isn’t selfish, it can actually help others.
Also, try not to conform so much with the status quo, the social pressure and all the consumerism, be you and do what makes you happy.
Enjoy your life with your uniqueness and appreciate every little thing you do and what makes you unique.
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